Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Choose Life

That was the big "message" on the mythical "Train Spotting": Choose Life.

But it's amazing the number of people that choose the opposite (now I sound like Lili Caneças): they choose Death.

"Death always has an excuse" we say in Portugal.

About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I don't quite remember, the 31 years old sister of Doña Letícia of Spain, killed herself. Of the sisters of the princess, she was the one with the "juicier" life for the pink press and was, of course, somewhat harrassed - divorced late last year, noticeably distraught with the divorce, took care by herself of her 5 years old daughter, had recently taken up a boyfriend and was clinically depressed. She was pretty, she had a job, she had a lovely daughter, she had a lover - and she must have had an enourmous pain inside.

I'm sure all she wanted was for the pain to stop. She would have done anything to stop the pain. But it didn't stop hurting. So she chose Death.

I'm sure she loved her daughter. I'm sure she never meant to leave her alone. But I'm sure she felt her daughter would be better off without her.

And that was what made the difference. She felt she had nothing to lose.
That was her biggest mistake.

As selfish as disposing of your own life is, as cowardly a solution it may seem, I hope she found the peace she was looking for. The end of pain.

However, our life is never just our own. With her she took a bit of everyone's life. It hurts so much to lose a love one, just put yourself in your love-ones shoes. We are responsible for those that love us.

Choose Life. Despite the pain.


espertinha said...

Não estás a querer insinuar nada, pois não?

A. said...

Não, não estou a enviar mensagens ocultas - it's not an obscure cry for help ;-)

O que se passa foi que esta historia fez-me um bocado de impressão. Acho que toda a gente tem um limite que os faz fazer o que nunca lhes pareceu possivel, assim como acredito que à beira de uma loucura há algo que nos pode salvar. Esta mulher é da nossa idade, e tinha uma filha pequena, a crescer sem pai. tinha a meu ver razões suficientes para se querer manter viva, apesar de tudo. Consigo conceber uma tristeza tão grande que se queira acabar com ela de qualquer maneira, mas para mim ter uma filha pequena seria um "get out of jail card". Para esta mulher não foi o suficiente e isso chocou-me. Esta mulher não é muito diferente de cada uma de nós. Fez-me pensar que há pontos de não retorno - e quais serão os meus. E não gostei de pensar nisso.

espertinha said...

Bom, sempre fico um bocadinho mais descansada... mas não precisas de ir à procura do teu ponto de não-retorno :P

A. said...

lol, não vou à procura de nada ;-) aliás acho que sei qual é o meu ponto de não retorno. e mesmo assim, mesmo que chegasse lá, esperava para ver só para ter mesmo a certeza ;))