Saturday, January 31, 2009


"Uma Rapariga perguntou a um Rapaz se ele a achava bonita , ele disse...não . Ela perguntou se ele queria ficar com ela para a eternidade....e ele disse não. Então ela perguntou-lhe, se ela se fosse embora, se ele iria chorar, e mais uma vez ele respondeu com um não.

Ela já tinha ouvido demais. Assim, quando estava a ir embora, lágrimas caíam da sua, face, o rapaz agarrou seu braço e disse...Tu não és bonita: És linda. Eu não quero ficar contigo para sempre. Eu PRECISO ficar contigo pra sempre. Eu não iria chorar se tu fosses iria morrer..."

-- Anónimo

E depois acordamos, e voltamos à 'vidinha'.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

When the spotlight is on


by Paramore

I'm sitting in a room,
Made up of only big white walls and in the hall
There are people looking through
The window in the door they know exactly what we're here for

Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.

You're always on display
For everyone to watch and learn from,
Don't you know by now,
You can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have.

And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile, 'cause you'll go out in style.
You'll go out in style.

If you let me I could,
I'd show you how to build your fences,
Set restrictions, separate from the world.
The constant battle that you hate to fight
Just blame the limelight.

Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.

And now you can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have.

And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile.

Yeah, yeah you're asking for it
With every breath that you breathe in
Just breathe it in.
Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this, big talking
So now let's see you walk it
I said let's see you walk it

Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this, big talking
So now let's see you walk it
I said let's see you walk it

And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, yeah oh oh open wide.
Yeah, oh oh open wide,
'Cause you'll go out in style.
You'll go out in style.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Steve's email

Today Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer send this poignant email to his workers. A true example of Management American Style. Despite being in the black Microsoft didn't achieve the "expected" profit and is firing 5000 People because - and this is obviously a intended "royal we" - quote, "we are not immune to the effects of the economy".

Here's the email from "Steve":

"From: Steve Ballmer
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:07 AM
To: Microsoft - All Employees (QBDG)
Subject: Realigning Resources and Reducing Costs

In response to the realities of a deteriorating economy, we’re taking important steps to realign Microsoft’s business. I want to tell you about what we’re doing and why.

Today we announced second quarter revenue of $16.6 billion. This number is an increase of just 2 percent compared with the second quarter of last year and it is approximately $900 million below our earlier expectations.

The fact that we are growing at all during the worst recession in two generations reflects our strong business fundamentals and is a testament to your hard work. Our products provide great value to our customers. Our financial position is solid. We have made long-term investments that continue to pay off.

But it is also clear that we are not immune to the effects of the economy. Consumers and businesses have reined in spending, which is affecting PC shipments and IT expenditures.

Our response to this environment must combine a commitment to long-term investments in innovation with prompt action to reduce our costs.

During the second quarter we started down the right path. As the economy deteriorated, we acted quickly. As a result, we reduced operating expenses during the quarter by $600 million. I appreciate the agility you have shown in enabling us to achieve this result.

Now we need to do more. We must make adjustments to ensure that our investments are tightly aligned with current and future revenue opportunities. The current environment requires that we continue to increase our efficiency.

As part of the process of adjustments, we will eliminate up to 5,000 positions in R&D, marketing, sales, finance, LCA, HR, and IT over the next 18 months, of which 1,400 will occur today. We’ll also open new positions to support key investment areas during this same period of time. Our net headcount in these functions will decline by 2,000 to 3,000 over the next 18 months. In addition, our workforce in support, consulting, operations, billing, manufacturing, and data center operations will continue to change in direct response to customer needs.

Our leaders all have specific goals to manage costs prudently and thoughtfully. They have the flexibility to adjust the size of their teams so they are appropriately matched to revenue potential, to add headcount where they need to increase investments in order to ensure future success, and to drive efficiency.

To increase efficiency, we’re taking a series of aggressive steps. We’ll cut travel expenditures 20 percent and make significant reductions in spending on vendors and contingent staff. We’ve scaled back Puget Sound campus expansion and reduced marketing budgets. We’ll also reduce costs by eliminating merit increases for FY10 that would have taken effect in September of this calendar year.

Each of these steps will be difficult. Our priority remains doing right by our customers and our employees. For employees who are directly affected, I know this will be a difficult time for you and I want to assure you that we will provide help and support during this transition. We have established an outplacement center in the Puget Sound region and we’ll provide outplacement services in many other locations to help you find new jobs. Some of you may find jobs internally. For those who don’t, we will also offer severance pay and other benefits.

The decision to eliminate jobs is a very difficult one. Our people are the foundation of everything we have achieved and we place the highest value on the commitment and hard work that you have dedicated to building this company. But we believe these job eliminations are crucial to our ability to adjust the company’s cost structure so that we have the resources to drive future profitable growth. I encourage you to attend tomorrow’s Town Hall at 9am PST in Café 34 or watch the webcast.

While this is the most challenging economic climate we have ever faced, I want to reiterate my confidence in the strength of our competitive position and soundness of our approach.

With these changes in place, I feel confident that we will have the resources we need to continue to invest in long-term computing trends that offer the greatest opportunity to deliver value to our customers and shareholders, benefit to society, and growth for Microsoft.

With our approach to investing for the long term and managing our expenses, I know Microsoft will emerge an even stronger industry leader than it is today.

Thank you for your continued commitment and hard work.



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We shall Overcome - 2009

44th Presidente dos EUA, Barack Obama - 20 de Janeiro 2009

O que é esperado deste homem é quase que suporte o peso do Mundo.

Lo qué quieren las mujeres

Já não se escrevem letras destas


O meu amor tem um jeito manso que é só seu
E que me deixa louca quando me beija a boca
A minha pele toda fica arrepiada
E me beija com calma e fundo
Até minh'alma se sentir beijada

O meu amor tem um jeito manso que é só seu
Que rouba os meus sentidos, viola os meus ouvidos
Com tantos segredos lindos e indecentes
Depois brinca comigo, ri do meu umbigo
E me crava os dentes

Eu sou sua menina, viu? E ele é o meu rapaz
Meu corpo é testemunha do bem que ele me faz

O meu amor tem um jeito manso que é só seu
De me deixar maluca quando me roça a nuca
E quase me machuca com a barba mal feita
E de pousar as coxas entre as minhas coxas
Quando ele se deita

O meu amor tem um jeito manso que é só seu
De me fazer rodeios, de me beijar os seios
Me beijar o ventre e me deixar em brasa
Desfruta do meu corpo como se o meu corpo
Fosse a sua casa

Eu sou sua menina, viu? E ele é o meu rapaz
Meu corpo é testemunha do bem que ele me faz

O meu Amor de Chico Buarque para a peça da Ópera do Malandro - 1977/1978

nota: não façam filmes, 'tá? :-P é só uma letra de música!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Há algo mais irritante do que ter saudades do que nunca existiu?

(Tentei pôr isto em Inglês mas não resulta com a mesma intensidade... "Saudade" é mesmo Português)

Amanhã já passa.
O meu mal é sono :-P

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bush Bye Bye Party!

Join the world party monday 19th January 2009!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dark Poetry

Funeral Blues
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

-- W.H. Auden

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cri-Cri Ronaldo

O "Puto Maravilha" lá ganhou o trofeu que tanto ambicionava. Ninguém lhe tira o "piquinho a saloio" nem a fanfarronice mas tendemos a perdoar a arrogância aos melhores.

Entre Amor/Ódio ao Cristiano Ronaldo (assim chamado por causa do Ronald Reagan, not kidding!) por ter ganho o título de melhor jogador do Mundo (de 2008) a Nike Futebol fez um vídeo que pode ser visto na notícia do Publico.

"O teu amor faz-me mais forte. O teu ódio torna-me imparável"

Brutal ;-)

The dangers of reading

The problem of reading is that one sometimes comes across some dark, obscure thoughts.

This is one I came across:

"One thing I truly knew – knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest – was how love gave someone the power to break you.

I'd been broken beyond repair."
in New Moon

Finally, *Someone* agrees with me! >;-)

Ó tempo que eu não ouvia isto!

and while I'm at it....

E para não deixar amargo de boca:

Friday, January 09, 2009

Quando me sair o euromilhões mais logo....

... vou comprar um carrito novo;

Depois damos uma voltinha? ;)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Find the differences

I like the second one better ;-)

Monday, January 05, 2009

Nice Day for the Cullens

(stupid private joke :-P)

Friday, January 02, 2009

Aceitam-se opiniões ;-)

se não fosse pelo "baixo nível" da questão, até fazia aqui uma "piquena" sondagem sobre os "gostos dos Portugueses" >;-)

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Thank You!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

The main feeling that I got from the past year was one:

Stay Together.

More than anything, I felt one thing: the love of my friends and family. And, mechanically, light-heartedly, I just felt the need to give it all back. It was the best I could have done. There were some pretty bleak moments this year, but you gave me strength to hold my own. I just hope I could give some of it back. Though I'm pretty sure I'm coming up short.

I can't tell enough thanks to all of those that coloured my life in 2008, that helped me be a better person. To all of you My Wonderful Friends:

All the best for 2009! Whatever happens this year, I hope we can hold eachother through thick and thin, as in 2008 :-) See you all soon! :-********* And may the light you put in my life shine as strong in yours.