Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mental Exercise

"Miraculously fast are the recouveries of the young; soon enough she'll be back in the saddle" said the Vicomte de Valmont in Stephen Friar's version of "Dangerous Liaisons" (good book too actually).

And as soon as the day dawned after my premonition day, my deamons where back in their lairs and instead of a week long of self torture, I woke up yesterday almost light hearted.

I have never been "young" in the sense of being light hearted, care free and even all that spontaneous in the sense of being thoughtless. I am impulsive but I rarely go too far. I make my own safety nets, even were there aren't any to cling too. I can't really call myself "young" anymore and my risks are more calculated as they have never been - but the recouvery... is getting better!

Much to my great astonishment, the dread feeling that had me white as a sheet all day, with hands ice cold, an unavoidable shadow over my eyes was gone as if by "magic" - or skill. It seems I am getting a strange sort of "grip".

Or maybe my subconscient finally "woke up" - if it was only bothering me, what was the problem really? If I can keep my fits to one day long - though I rather not have them at all - it is quite an improvement!

I had a hair cut yesterday (it's amazing how getting the hair out of my neck just makes my day! I will never be like any heroin in any book, with the "flowing hair" :-P), I plunged myself into my last book of the vampires-humans-werewolves saga, and I sang "I will survive" from the top of my lungs when it played on the car radio.

Fierce. ;-)

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