Friday, April 29, 2005
Xtreme Cybersex
What's the next step? Tamagoshi kids and Virtual Family Planning??
(Hey! I have copyright on that. ;-) )
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Parabéns Matilde!
Que o teu caminho de vida seja lindo, longo e luminoso, cheio da alegria que nos dão as flores que nascem depois de um inverno frio.
Que sejas muito feliz!
Mourinho, José Mourinho ;-)
Made in Portugal!
Especially for those that labbeled him as nothing more than the "interpreter of Bobby Robson, the coach from *that* 3rd world country" - Tomem e embrulhem! Mai'nada! ;-)
Mourinho is now one of the "Unofficial Embassadors" for Portugal, one we are happy to be proud of, along with Luis Figo, Amália, Eusébio. I confess I thought him no better than an arrogant b****** when he was the coach of FC Porto, because I'm a supporter of the brightest Lisbon club ;-) Now I'm a Mourinho supporter! No matter what club he is working for :-)
Friday, April 22, 2005
Online Relationships
We've all heard, and read,and talked about the influence of technology in our lives but what i want to point out is that we increasingly stay connected with our friends through technology, even if they are as far as a walk across the street! I love to talk on the phone but I rarely am the one to start the conversation (a strange feeling of intrusion stops me but I love getting calls from my friends! :-)), so it's e-mail, IM and sms that keep my social networks going. And when we meet in real-space it's like we were together just yesyerday. :-) I trully love that.
Though we may not have time to do a lot out of work (for me time seems never to be enough to do all I want in the pace I want to do it, running is a constant factor), a simple sms keeps the thread intact.
However - the ease that we keep our online and offline relationships going goes both ways: it's as easy to break it off. Easier than ever.
"We'll Always Have ICQ" is a chronicle all about that. The reporter tells us of her 7 years relationship with a friend, co-worker, lover, confident - that suddenly turned into a communication blank.
She offended her friend and he cut her off. Regardless of his reasons to do so, it was the ease that he deleted her from his life that shocks the most.
He stopped replying her e-mails (filtering them straight to trash) and it took 2 min to delete her IM name from whatever IM clients they were using. She called him and he kept silent over the phone.
Though the reporter argues that the absence of physical memory that goes with online relationships makes it easy to get over with the breakup, I disagree.
I use IM for work sometimes, especially when we have teams abroad and - mea culpa - I have gone online appearing offline, or, most commonly, blocked my entire group of friends and left the work contacts see me online because I couldn't cope with all.
However sms and e-mail list are my "weapons of choice" to communicate with the ones dearest to my heart - so I find a way to be with them always.
But cutting off all communication with someone - and letting them know that you are cutting them off your lives feels to me like a death :-( A death inside, of trust broken, of friendship lost, a point of no return has been reached and what lies after that is silence, loss, nothingness - a big empty space where a dear friend, a lover, a companion used to be. Nothing can replace that. We may find other friends, share other feelings, but that one is no more... :'(
The other day I saw a friend that swore to me that didn't use IM come online and disappear instantly. that name never appeared again on my list. Undoubtably I got blocked...
The sms thread is broken too for lack of reply on that side, e-mail comes sparingly, and phone conversation is non existant. I got "the message", the message that I dreaded to get though I knew for long it was settled: the point of no return has been reached - our fading complicity is gone. "My friend, the end".
Strangely enough I got word of someone I had myself cursed into oblivion. I had deleted his IM from my clients, his mobile from my mobile, his e-mail gone! A new e-mail address, a new mobile number and a new message (one of "happy birthday") was a peace offering that seems to say "we are different people now, I'd like to see if the positive energy is still there".
I'm still in morning for my lost friendship, at least the friendship in the form I knew it, and I'm not terribly excited with the remade broken link. I'm tougher I suppose.
Life continues after death, one way or another. The pain fades, the scar remains - and we change. For better or for worse.
Da Weasel - Força
Tás a sentir
Uma página de história
Um pedaço da tua glória
Que vai passar breve memória
Estamos no pico do verão mas chove
Por todo o lado
Levo uma de cada
Já estou bem aviado
Cuspo directo no caderno
Rimas saídas do inferno
Que passei à tua pala
Num tempo que pareceu eterno
Tou de cara lavada
Tenho a casa arrumada
Lembrança apagada
Duma vida quase lixada
Passeio na praia
Atacado pelos clones
São tantos e iguais
Sem contar com os silicones
Olho para o céu
Mas toda a gente foi de férias
Apetece-me gritar
Até rebentar as artérias
[REFRÃO 4x:]
(Respiro fundo)
E lembro-me da força
(que guardo dentro do meu corpo)
Espero que ela ouça
Todo o amor deste mundo
Perdido num segundo
Todo o riso transformado
Num olhar apagado
Toda a fúria de viver
Afastada do meu ser
Até que um dia acordei
E vi que estava a perder
Toda a força que cresceu
Na vida que deus me deu
A vontade de gritar bem alto:
Todo o mundo há-de ouvir
Todo o mundo há-de sentir
Tenho a força de mil homens
Para o que há de vir
Flashback instantâneo
Prazer momentâneo
Penso em ti até
Que bate duro
No meu crânio
Toda a dor
Toda a raiva
Todo o ciúme
Toda a luta
Toda a mágoa e pesar
Toda a lágrima enxuta
Alieno-me como posso
Não posso encher a cabeça
Não há dinheiro
Nem vontade
Ou amor que o mereça
Não vou pensar de novo,
Vou-me pôr novo
Neste dia novo
Estreio um coração novo
Visto-me de branco
Bem alegre no meu luto
Saio para a rua
Mais contente que um puto
Acredita que custou
Mas finalmente passou
No final do dia
Foi só isto que restou
[REFRÃO 4x:]
Todo o amor deste mundo
Perdido num segundo
Todo o riso transformado
Num olhar apagado
Toda a fúria de viver
Afastada do meu ser
Até que um dia acordei
E vi que estava a perder
Toda a força que cresceu
Na vida que deus me deu
A vontade de gritar bem alto:
Todo o mundo há-de ouvir
Todo o mundo há-de sentir
Tenho a força de mil homens
Para o que há de vir
Vai haver um outro alguém
Que me ame e trate bem
Vai haver um outro alguém
Que me ouça também
Vai haver um outro alguém
Que faça valer a pena
Vai haver um outro alguém
Que me cante este poema"
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
More Garbage!! Yes!! ;-)
Is it just me or was this one of the quietest releases of this Scottish group?
So far it sounds like a great work. :-)
Tanti Auguri Leonardo!!
I wonder if all this genius would be expressed even by such a man in an era like ours - or if all this talent would be marred by the constant appeals of technology(lol, Leonardo da Vinci hacking away at a computer, PDA at hand, struggling with an operative system instalation, worried if the backups of his work are intact or if the hackers got through his coding algorithym, skettishing DNA sequences in a notebook over a cup of coffee, listening to Moby on his MP3 player, and wondering if there will be time to start on the painting he had been thinking of... and deciding it's much more fun to try the new GTA?! ARGH!!). ;-)
Here is some more of his work.
"The National Geographic Society, IBM, geneticist Spencer Wells, and the Waitt Family Foundation have launched the Genographic Project, a five-year effort to understand the human journey—where we came from and how we got to where we live today. This unprecedented effort will map humanity's genetic journey through the ages."[source: National Geographic Society ]
Definitely worth a visit - and maybe a participation. :-)
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
On the evening of the 14th of April 1912 Titanic collided with an iceberg 925 km southest of Newfoundland (Terra Nova). On the early hours of 15th of April it was a shipwreck in the bottom of the ocean.
64 years later, on the 14th of April 1976 a girl was born in Lisbon.
Though she lives by the sea, she has never been on a cruise. But she has seen ships twice and three times bigger than Titanic.
64 years before about 2000 people perished at see in one of the most, if not the most, traggic accidents ever.
64 after that, a life continued. As in all the time in between. And 29 years after that too.
Cookie Monster on a diet!
"Me adore salad!" in order to help combat infant obesity in the USA. Good luck guys! Poppeye and his magic spinach worked for me as a kid :-) and I still love them spinach... ;-)
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Me, without you...
Adriana Calcanhotto
Album: Adriana Partimpim
Fico Assim Sem Você
by Cacá Moraes / Abdullah
Avião sem asa - a plane with no wings
Fogueira sem brasa - a fire without ember
Sou eu assim sem você - This is me without you
Futebol sem bola - football with no ball
Piu-piu sem Frajola - Tweety without Silvestre
Sou eu assim sem você -This is me without you
Porque que é que tem que ser assim? - Why does it have to be this way?
Se o meu desejo não tem fim - If my desire has no end
Eu te quero todo instante - I want you at every moment
Nem mil auto-falantes - not a thousand loud speakers
Vão poder falar por mim - will be able to speak for me
Amor sem beijinho - Love without kisses
Buchecha sem Claudinho - Laurel without Hardy
Sou eu assim sem você - This is me without you
Circo sem palhaço - Circus without clowns
Namoro sem abraço - wooing without hugging
Sou eu assim sem você - This is me without you
Tô louca pra te ver chegar - I'm eager for seeing you arrive
Tô louca pra te ter nas mãos - I'm eager for have you in my hands
Deitar no teu abraço - to lay in your embrace
Retomar o pedaço - regain the space
Que falta no meu coração - missing in my heart
Eu não existo longe de você - I don't exist away from you
E a solidão é o meu pior castigo - and loneliness is my worst punishment
Eu conto as horas pra poder te ver - I count the hours to see you
Mas o relógio tá de mal comigo - but the clock is cross at me
Por quê? Por quê? - Why oh Why?!
Neném sem chupeta - Baby with no dummy
Romeu sem Julieta - Romeo without Juliette
Sou eu assim sem você - This is me without you
Carro sem estrada - a car without a road
Queijo sem goiabada - Cheese without jam
Sou eu assim sem você - This is me without you
Porque que é que tem que ser assim?
Se o meu desejo não tem fim
Eu te quero a todo instante
Nem mil auto-falantes
Vão poder falar por mim
Eu não existo longe de você
E a solidão é o meu pior castigo
Eu conto as horas pra poder te ver
Mas o relógio tá de mal comigo (2x)